Bridging the seen & the unseen

Private & personalized. Insights & healing unique to your individual journey. Soothing drum therapy, potent stone medicine & so much more.

Sometimes it takes another set of eyes to help us see more clearly. I use my clairvoyant sight & experience in earth spirit medicine to bring you light, clarity, rootedness, groundedness, and hold open the doorway to the allies & messengers ready to assist you.  

Each session is completely tailored to you in that moment. Starting with soothing drum therapy & potent stone medicine, possibilities open to your ancestors, your guides, your energy field, etc. Expect anything from energy healing, sharing messages, navigating soul contracts, releasing old patterns, creating healing ritual, shamanic journeying, etc.

When's the right time for personalized attention?

Consider a session if you find yourself:

  • looking for insight on a particular situation

  • easily stressed or overwhelmed

  • unsure of your next steps

  • struggling to feel connected with your body

  • seeking a feeling of restedness & calm 

  • ready to create or allow a new shift in your life 

  • seeking a shift in personal awareness & spiritual sensitivity 

  • curious what allies & guides are around and supporting you

  • feeling drawn to it 

When you come in...

Expect to be heard, cared for, and validated. Soulwork sessions are centered on respect, healthy boundaries & support.

Plan for self-care after your session. The work is often deeper than we're aware of, and your body will need support in processing. Drink clean water, eat easily digestible foods, & cancel any parties the day-of. 


Schedule with Me

Book your session:
And Breathe 602.368.9880


Located at:
And Breathe Wellness Center
301 E Bethany Home Rd, Suite C191** Phoenix, AZ 85012


**Suite C191 is in the Southeast corner of the Pueblo Nuevo business center

Remote sessions & private events available upon request. Email for details & pricing.